Friday, July 5, 2013

Stand and awe

On one of my trips down to Singapore, I caught the Design Film Festival Singapore with my girlfriend and some architecture friends, which was held at the School of The Arts. It is one of those buildings that just makes you stand and admire it for a bit, both from its scale, spatial quality, up to the detail of the facades and designs (call it architecture nerdism). It makes me want to just spend hours there, capturing moments of how the building is being used, and the beauty it creates as an environment.

School of The Arts

Drop off area with funnel shaped bollards

Not forgetting the Design Film Festival Singapore, we caught three amazing films - Tema Hima, Gregory Crewdson, and Comic-Con Festival IV (for the inner nerd that is me). Beautiful beautiful films. Please try and catch them if you can. 

Till next time
David Yeow